New Zealand’s marine life faces unprecedented challenges due to extreme weather and warming linked to climate change. Oceans around the world are warming and ecosystems are facing the consequences. More than 200 scientists from 19 countries tell us the Southern Ocean is in trouble. The Ngā Kōrero webinar brings together experts to delve into the consequences for the marine ecosystem.

Webinar Highlights:

  1. Changing Ocean Temperatures: Uncover the reasons behind shifts in average ocean temperatures.
  2. Significance of Marine Heatwaves: Learn about the impact and significance of marine heatwaves on New Zealand’s coastal areas.
  3. Effects on NZ Seaweeds: Explore the consequences of sustained warm temperatures on the health and biodiversity of NZ seaweeds.
  4. Impact of Large Storms: Understand how large storms can disrupt and impact seabed ecosystems.

Guest Speakers:
This webinar will feature three guest speakers who have been investigating the consequences of our changing climate on New Zealand’s marine ecosystem.

  1. Dr. Daniel Leduc (NIWA): Leading NIWA’s Protecting Marine Biodiversity program, Dr. Leduc explores seabed ecosystems and their response to climate events, including the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle.
  2. Dr. Christopher Cornwall (Victoria University of Wellington): With a focus on climate change and ocean acidification effects on species and habitats, Dr. Cornwall brings expertise in seaweed’s role as a refuge for calcifying species.
  3. Dr. Melissa Bowen (University of Auckland): A senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, Dr. Bowen investigates ocean temperatures, currents, and salinities, contributing to national science programs addressing climate simulations and microplastic impacts.

Ngā Kōrero Series:
This webinar is part of the Ngā Kōrero series, a free initiative by Seaweek, made possible by the support of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO.

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