Star paths continue to symbolise the aspirations

of our modern-day pathfinders.  


Ngā Ara Whetū exemplifies the ethos of this flagship University of Auckland Research Centre located at Waipapa Taumata Rau.

It enables inter-institutional collaborations with schools, faculties and research centres and connects us to communities across the Pacific and globally.

Ngā Ara Whetū fosters thought leadership and mobilises innovative transdisciplinary research, outreach, stakeholder partnerships, engagement, and teaching.

It addresses theoretical and applied domains of its initiatives whilst holding and integrating the principles and values of kaitiakitanga, (proactive guardianship) manaakitanga (being generous), whanaungatanga (community) – at the centre of its kaupapa.

Ngā Ara Whetū was established in 2023 under the stellar leadership of Prof JR Rowland, and the support and mahi of a Co-Director team consisting of Prof Jacqueline Beggs, Prof David Noone, Prof Niki Harre, Prof Rod McNaughton, Dr Maria Armoudian, Prof Saeid Baroutian and Assoc Prof Rachel Wolfgram. George Gough provided sterling administrative support. The inaugural team is pictured above. 

Co-Executive DIRECTORS

jacqueline beggs

Jacqueline Beggs is an ecologist in the School of Biological Sciences with research interests in biodiversity and ecological restoration leading to over 100 scientific publications. Jacqueline whakapapa’s to Ngāti Awa and has a strong interest in Te Ao Māori. She is on the Marsden Council and Chair of the Kākāpō Recovery Group.

Maria Armoudian

Maria Armoudian is a senior lecturer in politics and international relations, specialising in political, environmental, and science communication, human rights and their intersections with law, governance, media, and policy. Maria has published five books including in 2021 Lawyers Beyond Borders: Advancing International Human Rights through Local Laws & Courts.

Host faculties

Ngā Ara Whetū is sponsored and supported by five faculties at the University of Auckland:

Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Creative Arts and Industry
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Science

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Contact us

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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