If you are a doctoral student interested in climate, biodiversity and society or any combination of these, we invite you to attend three workshops on advocacy. The workshops are linked but can also be taken individually.
Each workshop is four hours with morning tea and lunch provided. They are free to attend, although you must register via Wahapu and places are limited. Last year they filled very quickly.
The link for registration is here: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q4xx3/ng-ara-whet-doctoral-workshops. Attendance will be added to your training record.
If you are a doctoral student but not on Wahapu, please email ngaarawhetu@auckland.ac.nz with the name of the workshops you’d like to attend.
The workshops will be run by Margaret Stanley (School of Biological Sciences) and Niki Harré (School of Psychology). We welcome students who are already seasoned advocates as well as those who are just starting out, as much of the learning will come from discussion with your peers. Any doctoral student enrolled at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland is welcome to attend.
Nga Ara Whetū Advocacy Workshop 1: Finding your niche
9am – 1pm, Thursday June 6, 302.240
Morning tea and lunch provided.
Facilitators: Niki Harre (Psychology) and Margaret Stanley (Biological Sciences)
The aim of this workshop is to explore the niche that will enable you to contribute to positive social change. You will participate in exercises that encourage you to consider what you value and why and reflect on your comfort zones and challenges. Margaret and Niki will outline their own journeys into advocacy and how they fine-tuned their involvement with time and experience. We will provide tips on establishing a profile through media and community engagement. We will also cover how to keep track of what you are doing, so that you can provide evidence of your engagement when required. Participants will be encouraged to come up with a ‘plan of action’ between this workshop and the next and try a small act of advocacy.
Nga Ara Whetū Advocacy Workshop 2: How change happens
9am – 1pm, Thursday June 13, 302.240
Morning tea and lunch provided.
Facilitators: Niki Harre (Psychology) and Margaret Stanley (Biological Sciences)
A panel of academics will discuss their experiences of advocacy and describe their theory of change. The rest of the workshop will focus on participants’ developing their own theory of change, based on their context and interests. You will work in groups to generate and test ideas. By the end of the workshop, each participant will produce and share a diagram that illustrates how they think change happens and the role they and their research can play.
Nga Ara Whetū Advocacy Workshop 3: Influencing policy
9am – 1pm, Thursday June 20, 302.240
Morning tea and lunch provided.
Facilitators: Niki Harre (Psychology) and Margaret Stanley (Biological Sciences)
We will discuss how academics can make sure their research is impactful and influential within communities and right up to central government. Then we’ll explore how influencing policy might require different approaches at different scales, from local to central government policy. With expert policy researchers, we will learn how to write a policy brief with the needs of policymakers in mind.

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