Seminar: The agrarian tax system in the historic Sikh Kingdom of Maharajah Ranjit Singh
23 October 2024, 2-3pm NZST EVENT SUMMARY Our innovation scholar, Dr Jagdeep Singh-Ladhar, will present a case study on the agrarian tax system in the historic Sikh Kingdom of Maharajah Ranjit Singh. This tax system had unique features to promote the wellbeing of...
Students decarbonising schools – a Mana Ora project
Students from Meadowbank Primary both organised active modes of transport – like biking and scootering – and measured their positive impact on airborne carbon at the school. Credit: Auckland Council and GNS. The article below is by PhD student Dan Kelly. In the...
Seminar: Teaching and learning for the end of the world as we know it
1 November 2024, 1-2pm NZST EVENT SUMMARY This event is the seventh in the Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable World seminar series hosted by the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau. In this talk, Dr Stein will share...

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Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand